package main import ( "context" "local/m/mchess_server/chess" "local/m/mchess_server/usher" "log" "net/http" "os" "" "" "" "" ) var cert_path = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/" var cert_file = cert_path + "fullchain.pem" var key_file = cert_path + "privkey.pem" func main() { hostname, err := os.Hostname() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } router := gin.Default() router.GET("/api/random", registerForRandomGame) router.GET("/api/ws", registerWebSocketConnection) if hostname == "mbook" { log.Println("Starting service WITHOUT TLS") log.Fatal(router.Run("localhost:8080")) } else { log.Fatal(autotls.Run(router, "")) } } func registerForRandomGame(c *gin.Context) { /* What should be done: 1. Register player 2. Check if there is a game open that lacks one player 3. Fill open game, then respond with player id and game id. OR 1. Register player 2. If there is no open game, open a game and wait for a second player to join 3. Only after a second player joins, respond with player id and game id. */ player := chess.NewPlayer(uuid.New()) usher := usher.GetUsher() lobby := usher.WelcomeNewPlayer(player) usher.AddPlayerToLobby(player, lobby) // Counter point to this approach: // Waiting for two players might not be necessary. // Just open the lobby and respond with lobby/game id and player id // The waiting can be done in the game handler until both players opened a ws connection usher.WaitForTwoPlayersInLobby(lobby) log.Println("responding with player id ", player.Uuid) c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusOK, chess.PlayerInfo{ PlayerID: player.Uuid, }) } func registerWebSocketConnection(c *gin.Context) { webSocketConn, err := websocket.Accept(c.Writer, c.Request, nil) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return } go waitForAndHandlePlayerID(c, *webSocketConn) } func waitForAndHandlePlayerID(ctx context.Context, conn websocket.Conn) { msgType, id, err := conn.Read(ctx) log.Println("read from websocket: ", msgType, id, err) log.Println("id as string", string(id)) uuid, err := uuid.ParseBytes(id) if err != nil { log.Println(err) conn.Close(websocket.StatusCode(400), err.Error()) return } // since we cannot use the lobby anymore (it does not exist anymore after this change) the client needs to // send game id and player id so we can make the connection to the player //lobby := chess.GetLobby() player, found := lobby.GetPlayer(uuid) if !found { conn.Close(websocket.StatusCode(400), "player not found") return } if player.Conn != nil { player.Conn.Close(websocket.StatusCode(400), "closing existing connection") } player.SetConnection(ctx, conn) log.Println("player after setting connection: ", player) }