local M = { results = {} } local ns = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace("live-tests") local test_function_query_string = [[ ( (function_declaration name: (identifier) @name parameters: (parameter_list (parameter_declaration name: (identifier) type: (pointer_type (qualified_type package: (package_identifier) @_package_name name: (type_identifier) @_type_name))))) (#eq? @_package_name "testing") (#eq? @_type_name "T") (#eq? @name "%s") ) ]] local t_run_query_string = [[ ( ) ]] local find_test_line = function(go_bufnr, name) local formatted = string.format(test_function_query_string, name) local query = vim.treesitter.query.parse("go", formatted) local parser = vim.treesitter.get_parser(go_bufnr, "go", {}) local tree = parser:parse()[1] local root = tree:root() for id, node in query:iter_captures(root, go_bufnr, 0, -1) do if id == 1 then local range = { node:range() } return range[1] end end end local function clear(table) for k in pairs(table) do table[k] = nil end end vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('GoTest', function() M.goRunTests() end, {}) vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('GoPrintResults', function() print(vim.inspect(M.results)) end, {}) vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('GoSetTestMarks', function() M.goSetAllMarks() end, {}) vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('GoClearResults', function() clear(M.results) end, {}) vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('GoClearTestMarks', function() local currbuf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(currbuf, ns, 0, -1) end, {}) local errored = false function M.goRunTests() -- TODO: replace jobstart/jobwait with system() local id = vim.fn.jobstart({ "go", "test", "./...", "-json" }, { stdout_buffered = true, on_stdout = function(_, data) if errored == true then errored = false return end if not data then return end clear(M.results) for _, line in ipairs(data) do if line == "" then goto continue end local decoded = vim.json.decode(line) if decoded.Test == nil then goto continue end if decoded.Action == 'pass' or decoded.Action == 'fail' then M.results[decoded.Test] = { Action = decoded.Action } end ::continue:: end end, on_stderr = function(_, data) for _, value in pairs(data) do if value and value ~= "" then errored = true print('Error while running tests: ', value) end end end }) vim.fn.jobwait({ id }) end function M.goSetAllMarks() local files = vim.fn.system({ "find", "-type", "f", "-name", "*.go" }) local sep = "\n" local filetable = {} for str in string.gmatch(files, "([^" .. sep .. "]+)") do table.insert(filetable, str) end for _, file in ipairs(filetable) do vim.fn.bufadd(file) vim.fn.bufload(file) local bufno = vim.fn.bufnr(file) M.goSetMarks(bufno) end end function M.goSetMarks(currbuf) vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(currbuf, ns, 0, -1) vim.diagnostic.set(ns, currbuf, {}, {}) local text = {} local failed = {} for test, val in pairs(M.results) do local linenum = find_test_line(currbuf, test) if linenum == nil then goto continue end if val.Action == 'pass' then text = { "✓" } vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(currbuf, ns, linenum, 0, { virt_text = { text }, }) elseif val.Action == 'fail' then table.insert(failed, { bufnr = currbuf, lnum = linenum, col = 0, severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR, source = "go-test", message = "Test Failed", user_data = {}, }) end ::continue:: end vim.diagnostic.set(ns, currbuf, failed, {}) end return M